Are you interested in increasing conversions on your website in the form of sales, subscriptions, or signups ? This form of website optimization has been used my marketers and advertisers who want to increase the effectiveness of their online marketing strategies. In this social web, they are also reaping the benefits of a/b testing on social media to increase shares, followers, and click-through rates. At the same time, email marketing can be used to effectively drive traffic to your website or blog, channeling in more conversions. In this article I’ll discuss how both email marketing and social buttons can be A/B tested to increase conversions.
In Web Development, Internet Marketing and Online Advertising A/B Testing is a widely used technique to experiment two variants A and B in a randomized method. It helps marketers and web developers to achieve best results with wasting tons of money.
How to Determine What You Need to Test
To reap the most rewards, test all elements of your email marketing campaign. The call to actions, subject line, images, and time of delivery are all important components that need to be equally scrutinized. With that said, it’s best to test one element at a time. This way there is no question in your mind as to what caused an increase as that variable was isolated.
Picking Apart the Subject Line
Subject lines play an important role in garnering the necessary attention your email needs to lead to more conversions. Consider either specific or general approaches in you’re a/b testing efforts.
In this saturated web, it’s often thought being as specific as possible is necessary in standing out. While this rings true in many cases, it’s not effective across the board. “Celebrate Mothers Day” could be just as effective as “Sale starts May 5th.”
Create a Deadline
When there’s a deadline to meet, we tend to respond much faster. This same practice can be applied to your email newsletter headlines. Adding a ship-by-date might be an effective means of testing how effective incorporating a deadline will be.
Where Should the Buttons be Placed?
Whether you’re implementing a call to action, or a social button, the same functionality exists. The over-riding goal is to lead to higher conversions. These conversions come in the form of shares of your blog or a new Facebook or Twitter fan.
Here are some ideas for social or call to action button placement:
Ideally, your social button should be situated within plain sight on your page. Above the fold is a good rule of thumb, but experiment with a/b testing to determine which works best over a number of pages.
Keep Things Minimal
Less is more, and this rule applies to social and call to action buttons too. You may find three placements does the trick, but its best to test out and see which works best for your site. Keep in mind too many social buttons can overwhelm and thus lead to lower conversions.
Use Sparingly
Remember to incorporate these buttons on critical pages of your site where the most traffic is generated, such as the homepage, product page, and blog pages. Avoid using them on checkout pages, as this would distract the user from the checkout process.
Enhancing Your Profile
Attracts new followers through an optimized profile that presents a professional image of yourself. Get head shots taken, and include one in your profile as well as a bio targeted towards your skills and services, as this enhances search engine rankings.
Monitor the activity on your profile for a few weeks to see how many fans or followers have accumulated. Adjust your bio and profile picture afterwards to see how this affects your numbers going forward.
Share Content at Appropriate Times
Knowing when to share content can be the difference between receiving more conversions, retweets, and reshares and missing out.
The following tools are helpful in identifying when your followers are online in getting the most shares and retweets as possible:
A/B Testing with Google Web Optimizer
Learn how to do A/B Testing using Google Web Optimizer in the below video.
Whether you’re launching an email marketing campaign, or want to increase the followers on your social sites, it’s best to set up some tests and monitor the results in optimizing your marketing efforts. By following the advice laid out in this article, you should gradually see an increase in sales and conversions. Optimizing your marketing also means you took the time to get to know your audience, which will only lead to positive results down the line.
Author bio: Ruben Corbo is a freelance writer and writes for a number of online marketing websites including those that help online businesses improve A/B testing techniques to increase sales conversions (which you can learn a deal about in Maxymiser). When Ruben is not writing, he’s producing or composing music for short films or other visual arts.
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